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Saturday, February 21, 2009

People Change

I went for a BBQ today with Brenda's church. Since I know Brenda only, I literally stuck to her like your nails to your fingers. We chatted how we haven't really met each other for like 6 years+. I found out that people DO change over time.

I could still remember the stupid things we did when we were in primary school. GOSH! It's so embarrassing remembering those stupid things. I really wanna think about it, but when I think about it, I get fidgety. It's ironic how I wanna think about it and not think about it at the same time. But however, my point is that people do change.

Just recently someone added me on facebook. I seriously didn't know who was she. I browsed her pictures and she looked like a model. I just couldn't place my finger on who the person is. Later she told me who she was and she was my primary classmate! Gosh! She has changed a lot! She was quite a plain jane last time but now, WOW! She has grown up and became a pretty girl, somewhat like a model.

As for me, I feel like I've changed quite a lot too. I've became a person I didn't want to be when I was younger, and I've since then tried to change and be a person that I feel that is ideal for me. But I guess I couldn't please everyone. This is one lesson I've learnt. Just please yourself and not everyone. Look where my 'pleasing everyone else' has brought me to? BORING PERTH!

Anyway, on a lighter note, classes are going to start next week. After about 4 months of brain resting, it's gonna take a hard time for my brain to jump start again. Can anyone suggest me a good jump start machine?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Long while....

I seriously can't believe that I've been here for only A WEEK! It seriously feels like I've been here for eternity. This sucks. I can't wait to fly back to Malaysia xD

Uni has been quite normal. But I think the orientation is a bit on the boring side. I've got to know a few friends and I'm like stuck there. I know a few Aussies but not that close anyway. The culture here is so damn freaking different from Malaysia.

Shops close at around 6 here. And if you are still inside the store, they will tell you that it's closing time, please pay and leave. Sheesh. Why must they close so early... There is definately no mamaks here, and cyber cafe here is expensive. I think I only saw one, and it's $3 for 1 hour. Expensive....

And I hate grocery shopping. It's tiring and since I'm on a tight budget, I have to shop for the cheapest things. And the worse part is the cooking part. It's so troublesome thinking what to eat, and after eating, you'll still feel hungry. WTH! I still remember I kept saying I wanna be independent, but now I think that is all BULLSHIT!

But then again, there are pros and cons of being independent though quite lazy to list them down here...

Btw, did I tell you how slow and laid back the people are in Perth? Well? Guess what? I'm starting to get SLOW too... OMG! I'm starting to walk slow, talk slow and eat slow! I've been munching on this sandwich (which is my dinner, sad, I know) for the past hour! DARN!!!

Other than that, I think I'm doing fine here. Till then =0

Monday, February 9, 2009


I've finally reached Perth. THIS IS A DEAD MAN'S AREA! Or maybe not.

Just kidding. It's damn freaking quiet and laid back here. It's so scary. It's like everyone over here is taking life at a very ssssslllllllloooooowwwww pace. Please help xD

Anyway, I went to UWA today and it seriously looks like a haunted mansion xD

Gonna post the pictures later, I guess.


Sunday, February 8, 2009

Roughly 15 hours left

Oh well. A whole new world of mysteries is opening up to me soon. I'm due to be in Australia soon! Wonderful or sad? You do the thinking.

I'm gonna miss a lot of things here. I mustn't be emo!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Last day at INTI

Actually this year, I'm not really enrolled in INTI anymore. But however, I'm a sentimental kind of guy. Thus, I always went back to INTI to visit my friends. However, Friday was the last day I could go back to INTI to visit friends as I'm leaving for Australia already.

To tell you the truth, I don't really feel anything much about leaving INTI, at least not as much as leaving Chong Hwa. I still remember walking around Chong Hwa during my last few days there and taking in the environment for the last time as a student there. Maybe because I'm at INTI for 1 year only and so the feeling isn't as deep as compared to my feelings for Chong Hwa of which I have been studying there for 5 years.

Yet again, I went to FTZ (a cyber cafe outside INTI) to play DOTA. I guess that would be my last DOTA game at FTZ already. I won't be coming back to Malaysia so soon and when I come back, I guess most of my gang has flown to USA already. Damn. I feel so left out but I cannot do anything.

I also attended my last CF meeting in INTI. There are really some good memories in CF. The best is getting to know Yi Herng, Swee Ling and Christine. They are really really the greatest friend a person could ever have. I could tell them all my problems and everything. I believe I still have many chances to meet them.

At night, I went for dinner with Fernie and her brother. Although I know her brother for less than a month, I feel that we can get along quite well. Hahaha. Quite funny la as we don't really know each other but we can work together to annoy Fernie. Hehehehe. It's a nice memory here too la. Hahaha

As for INTI friends, yeah. I will miss them a lot. Although it was just for a year, but there are feelings there too. I will surely miss a whole lot of them. But will they miss me? That remains a mystery =)

Anyway, gonna enjoy my last Saturday before I fly off to Aussie!

Gonna blog again on Sunday morning =)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A New Life in 3 More Days

I'm like getting a new lease of life in 3 more days. I can't really believe I'm going to overseas in 3 more days to further my studies. It seems so surreal. It's just like yesterday that I first stepped into my primary school. Time passes really fast.

I'm actually both excited and sad to go to Australia. I will miss my friends back here a lot. But I won't think i will miss them until I cry. But still, I will miss them a lot.

Got nothing much to say already here. Just looking forward to flying off soon. Wish me luck guys and gals.